The Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center awarded its 15,000th Associate of Arts degree on Oct. 25, 2018, marking an impressive milestone for the Institute’s regionally accredited degree program.
The Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center awarded its 15,000th Associate of Arts degree on Oct. 25, 2018, marking an impressive milestone for the Institute’s regionally accredited degree program.
“Having this degree enhances our student’s academic and professional success as a service member” explained Pam Savko, dean of Academic Affairs.
“Awarding the 15,000th AA degree in a foreign language proves that our students have an extremely strong work ethic. Graduating from DLIFLC is considered one of the toughest schools in the military,” said DLIFLC Provost, Dr. Robert Savukinas.
The Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges first granted academic credit for DLIFLC courses in 1979. In March 2002, DLIFLC was awarded Associate of Arts Degree granting authority.
Many students come to DLIFLC with some general education credits, prior college, Advance Placement testing, or even Bachelor and Master degrees. The DLIFLC AA Degree Office and Registrar help students transfer or validate 18 General Education credits necessary to obtain AA degree in foreign language from DLILFC. Credits must come from regionally accredited colleges/universities and authorized testing sources.
DLIFLC’s regional accreditation was reaffirmed for another seven years this past spring by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.