CALMED trains for life flight

by | Jul 2, 2015 | News

By Patrick Bray
DLIFLC Public Affairs


CALMED trains for life flight

CALSTAR gave an orientation and overview of one of their helicopters at California State University – Monterey Bay July 2. Participants included first responders from the Monterey area and medics from the California Medical Detachment (CALMED). (Photo by Patrick Bray, DLIFLC Public Affairs)

MONTEREY, Calif. – California Shock Trauma Air Rescue (CALSTAR) gave an orientation and overview of one of their helicopters at California State University – Monterey Bay July 2. Participants included first responders from the Monterey area and medics from the California Medical Detachment (CALMED).

CALMED trains for life flight

Lt. Col. Bill Soliz, CALMED commander, speaks with Seth Rae, a CALSTAR flight nurse. CALSTAR gave an orientation and overview of one of their helicopters at California State University – Monterey Bay July 2. (Photo by Patrick Bray, DLIFLC Public Affairs)

CALMED operates the health clinic for service members assigned to the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language and the Presidio of Monterey. During the training, the medics learned how to load a patient onto a CALSTAR helicopter if the need should ever occur.

CALMED trains for life flight

Medics from the California Medical Detachment (CALMED), a California State University police officer and CALSTAR flight crew simulate loading a patient into a helicopter. CALSTAR gave an orientation and overview of one of their helicopters at California State University – Monterey Bay July 2. (Photo by Patrick Bray, DLIFLC Public Affairs)

The time it takes to receive emergency medical treatment can mean the difference between life and death. CALSTAR can rapidly transport trauma patients via air ambulance to a major medical facility.