New Students by Service
If your language training is scheduled by the DIA in preparation for a position with the Defense Attaché Service in a Defense Attaché Office (DAO) or Defense Liaison Office of an Embassy or Consulate (either as Attaché, Operations Coordinator, or Operations Intelligence NCO), you are a DAS student.
If your language training is scheduled by a service quota manager in preparation for any other type of position, even if you expect to be stationed in an Embassy or Consulate, you are not a DAS student.
If you are preparing for an assignment in the DAS, you will be scheduled for language training by the Joint Military Attaché School Training Management Office. Instructions on your DAS training schedule asks you to call DLI-Washington upon receipt of the schedule in order to obtain information from you about the setting up of your training. Please note that due to the many changes that occur in the DAS training program, DLI-Washington does not commit to arranging training unless contact has been established a couple of months before the language start date.
In addition to service and DAS in-processing, students must complete academic in-processing at the DLI-Washington office prior to the class start date. You must contact the DLI-Washington Training Manager at or call the main office to obtain registration and in-processing information. When calling /e-mailing, ensure to include your Rank, Last, First, MI, DODID, Language, Class Start/End Dates and a good e-mail address that you often check and good telephone number where we can reach you. Failure to provide the necessary information on time may delay the start of your course. During academic in-processing, students will be briefed on the location and hours of training, as well as other information regarding the course of instruction.
While DLI-Washington can answer many questions if you call ahead of time, the details of exactly where you will be training and during what hours, may not be available until your academic in-processing appointment.
Training may be available for the spouses of DAS personnel, however it is not guaranteed. For more detail, please refer to our New & Incoming Student Page or call our office.
Please be aware that all requests for spouse training must be received no later than 45 days prior to the start of language training.
Email copy of your PCS orders to: USARMY JBM-HH IMCOM HQ Mailbox HQ cmd bn S1 and DA31 to DLIW_NCO@DLIFLC.EDU. DLI-Washington NCOIC must sign you in on DA 31 upon termination of leave.
Soldiers are required to turn in medical and dental records with a copy of PCS orders to appropriate MTF/Dental facilities. Please call Tricare in advance to determine/select your primary/dental care location. Proper uniform is ACUs for any in person business while on JBMHL. For more information please contact the DLI Army NCO at (703) 400-0632 nor e-mail DLIW_NCO@DLIFLC.EDU.
You are required to be in satisfactory physical condition and meet height and weight standards in accordance with Army regulations upon arrival. You must have a copy of your most recent diagnostic ACFT, H/W, and any medical profiles for proper update within DTMS.
The proper uniform is ASU for in-person in-processing or official business while on military installation.
Important Links
DLI-Washington In-processing
All in-bound Army personnel must call (30 days prior to report date) DLI-Washington Office or email to obtain registration, USAG-HHC In-processing, as well as DLI-Washington academic in-processing details. Ensure to include your Service, Rank, Last, First, MI, DODID, Language, and Class Start/End Dates when calling/emailing. In your email please include a good e-mail address that you often check and good telephone number where we can reach you.
HQ Henderson Hall In-processing
All incoming USMC students must report to the JBMHH Henderson Hall Consolidated Administrative Center, Building 29, during work hours to begin in-processing. Students arriving after normal working hours will report to the Officer of the Day in Building 25, Keith Hall Barracks upon arrival.
The Officer of the Day’s phone number is 202-439-5941.
If you have any questions concerning Henderson Hall in-processing, please contact CONAD at (703) 614-7171 (DSN 224). You are required to be in satisfactory physical condition and meet height and weight standards in accordance with Marine Corps regulations upon arrival. You are required to schedule your PFT through HQ Henderson Hall. Duty uniform for in-processing is Alpha.
DLI-Washington In-processing
All inbound Marine Corps students must email a copy of their PCS orders and Fitrep to the Navy Liaison at DLIW_NCO@DLIFLC.EDU.
To obtain registration and DLI-W In-processing information, contact the Navy NCO at (703) 371-5957/ (703) 899-4094 or email When calling /e-mailing, ensure to include your Service, Rank, Last, First, MI, DODID, Language, Class Start/End Dates and a good e-mail address that you often check and good telephone number where we can reach you.
DLI-Washington In-processing
Incoming Navy students must contact the DLI-Washington the Navy Liaison at or call (703) 692-5429 or (703) 899-4094, to obtain registration and in-processing information.
When calling /e-mailing, ensure to include your Rank, Last, First, MI, DODID, Language, Class Start/End Dates and a good e-mail address that you often check and good telephone number where we can reach you.
Students will need a copy of their orders and their last Eval/Fitrep during in-processing. Please be sure you have a letter of extension if required from last Eval/Fitrep. Students must also complete a travel claim as well as update Page 2. Ensure you have all applicable paperwork to complete travel claim for yourself and family members upon arrival.
For all Navy personnel reporting to DLI-Washington D.C. from overseas locations that are considering receipt of TLA en-route to DLI-Washington D.C., you must first request TLA at your current command. Once you detach from your command and report to DLI-Washington you will not be allowed to have TLA processed upon checking into DLI-Washington for expenses that you incurred en-route. PSD Anacostia does not have the authority to process your TLA as you are still considered en-route to your next command.
You are required to be in satisfactory physical condition and meet height and weight standards in accordance with Navy regulations upon arrival. Everyone will be administered a Physical Readiness Test prior to graduation from language training.
If you are going to be stationed overseas, you will have 30 days to complete your Overseas Screening once BUPERS releases your Letter of Intent. Please ensure that you complete all requirements within the given 30 days. Once you are in receipt of your PCS orders, please reach out to the Navy Liaison for passport and visa application at
DLI-Washington In-Processing
Incoming students must call the DLI-Washington Office main line, contact the DLI-Washington Commander Support Squadron NCOIC at (703) 901-6132, or e-mail to DLIW_NCO@DLIFLC.EDU to obtain registration and in-processing information.
Students will need a copy of their orders, in a sealed brown envelope from their losing base and Government Travel Card (GTC) during in-processing.
When calling /e-mailing, be sure to include your Service, Rank, Last, First, MI, DODID, Language, Class Start/End Dates and a good e-mail address that you often check and good telephone number where we can reach you.
Finance In-Processing/Travel Voucher
Students must use of the Comptroller Services Portal (CSP) to complete their PCS travel vouchers. Please have all travel receipts and lodging non-availability slips on hand. All customers must submit their inquiries and questions to CSP. The CSP is user-friendly, fully secure, and 100% transparent system that allows you to track and manage your pay and travel inquiries. Please visit to get started.
You are required to maintain physical condition and meet height and weight standards in accordance with Air Force regulations upon arrival. Prior to graduation from language training, everyone will be administered a Physical Fitness Test.
Important external links

Contact info:
Defense Language Institute – Washington D.C. Office 2530 Crystal Drive, Suite 1600, Arlington, VA 22202
Phone: 703-692-5478 Fax: 703-601-1056 DSN: 222-5478 E-Mail: