Provost Senior Enlisted Leader

Sergeant Major Shannon Lawson
Sergeant Major Shannon Lawson is a native of Wytheville, Virginia. Has been married for 19 years to his lovely wife Yamile Lawson and has one daughter Sophia Lawson. He enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1996 as a mechanic, but later reclassed and graduated from the 35F Intelligence Analyst course at Fort Huachuca, AZ.
SGM Lawson has served as a Squad Leader, Analysis Control Team (ACT) NCOIC, Battalion S2 NCOIC, Platoon Sergeant, Battalion Analysis Control Element (ACE) NCOIC, Brigade S2 NCOIC, MI Detachment NCOIC, Battalion Operations NCOIC, and First Sergeant.
SGM Lawson’s assignments include 116th Military Intelligence Brigade, 173rd Airborne Brigade, 5th Special Forces Group, 25th Infantry Division, 1st Infantry Division, and COSCOM.
SGM Lawson’s education and training include Basic Leader’s Course, Advanced Leader’s Course, Senior Leader’s Course, Quartermaster and Chemical Equipment Repairer Course (91J), Combat Life Saver Course, Intelligence Analyst Course (35F), Battle Staff Course, Critical Thinking for Red Team Practitioners Course, Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance (ISR) Synch Managers Course, Foreign Disclosure Officer Course, Airborne School, Jumpmaster School, First Sergeant/Commanders Course, and U.S. Army Sergeants Major Course, Class 73.
SGM Lawson has an Associate of Arts Degree in Business Management from University of Maryland University College and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Leadership and Workforce Development from the Army Command and General Staff College.
SGM Lawson’s awards and decorations include the Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal 1 Oak Leaf Cluster, Army Commendation Medal 1 Silver Oak Leaf, Army Achievement Medal 3 Oak Leaf Cluster, Army Good Conduct Ribbon 9th Award, National Defense Service Medal 1 Star, Kosovo Campaign Medal 1 Star, Iraqi Campaign Medal 4 Stars, Afghanistan Campaign Medal 1 Star, Global War on Terror Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terror Service medal, Non-Commissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon Numeral 5, Humanitarian Service Medal, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Ribbon Numeral 7, NATO Medal 1 Star, Mechanics Badge, Drivers Badge, Combat Action Badge, Parachutist Badge, and Senior Parachutist Badge. Sergeant Major Lawson is also a recipient of the Knowlton Award.