California Representative Loretta Sanchez tours DLIFLC

by | Apr 17, 2015 | News

By Gary Harrington
DLIFLC Public Affairs



Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez visits the Presidio Municipal Service Agency and tours their facility. (Photo by Gary Harrington, DLIFLC Public Affairs)

MONTEREY, Calif. – “The Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center, such a great gem for America, where we teach culture and language to not only our service members but to so many others in government and local government so that we can communicate through diplomacy and not have to use our military all the time,” said Rep. Loretta Sanchez from California’s 46th district in Orange County, California.

Presidio of Monterey, Garrison Commander, Col. Paul Fellinger gave Sanchez a tour of DLIFLC April 10. After a brief by Fellinger and DLIFLC Chief of Staff, Steven Collins, Sanchez’s first stop was the Presidio Municipal Service Agency, a model of efficiency for the Department of Defense, saving the government more than $1.5 million over the past five years and nationally lauded as the Monterey Model.


Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez takes a photo with Persian Farsi students. (Photo by Gary Harrington, DLIFLC Public Affairs)

Sanchez’s next stop was the Persian Farsi School where she was met by Capt. Sarah Martin, interim dean, and assistant dean Dr. Martine Danan. Sanchez visited a Persian Farsi classroom where she was given a classroom demonstration by students in Farsi. Before leaving the Persian Farsi School, Sanchez was given a brief technology demonstration of the online learning system that the DLIFLC offers to military and civilians at no cost.


Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez visits the Price Fitness Centers new Functional Fitness Facility with POM Garrison Commander, Col Paul Fellinger and DLIFLC Chief of Staff Steven Collins. (Photo by Gary Harrington, DLIFLC Public Affairs)

After a short walk next door to the Price Fitness Center, Sanchez was met by the director of Family, Morale, Welfare and Recreation, Robert Emanuel, and given a tour of the new Functional Fitness Facility. The facility was created and equipped through the generosity of a local community activist, Bud Colligan. The primary goal is to help service members maintain combat readiness during their time at DLIFLC.

Sanchez’s final stop was lunch at Belas Dining Facility where she ate with students, Fellinger and other leaders from the Presidio of Monterey and the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center.