Getting to 2+/2+/2: by 2022

Getting to 2+/2+/2: by 2022

By Natela Cutter DLIFLC Public Affairs   MONTEREY, Calif. – After 9/11, one thing became abundantly clear to the intelligence community – there is a dire need for more and better qualified linguists. Seven months later, in April 2002, then National Security...
DLIFLC grad shaken by suicide shares son’s story

DLIFLC grad shaken by suicide shares son’s story

By Brian Lepley Presidio of Monterey Public Affairs   MONTEREY, Calif. – The saddest task for a parent, it is said, is burying one of their children. But sadder still, Rob Miltersen found out, is burying your 21-year old Airman First Class son after his suicide....
DOD Senior Language Authority visits Russian class at DLIFLC

DOD Senior Language Authority visits Russian class at DLIFLC

By Natela Cutter DLIFLC Public Affairs MONTEREY, Calif. – Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Force Education and Training, and the Department of Defense’s Senior Language Authority, Mr. Fred Drummond, received a tour of the Defense Language Institute Foreign...
DLIFLC holds Veterans Day ceremony

DLIFLC holds Veterans Day ceremony

By Natela Cutter DLIFLC Public Affairs MONTEREY, Calif. – The Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center held a Veterans Day ceremony Nov. 9th on the upper Presidio of Monterey with military personnel, veterans, faculty, staff and students in attendance....