First appointed female leader in Institute history

First appointed female leader in Institute history

For Woman’s History Month, we celebrate one of our own. A milestone event, the first appointed female to lead the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center was Col. Sue Ann Sandusky from 2007-2010. The day Sandusky received an email entitled “Hot Job,”...
Ceremonial tree planting in memoriam of Dr. Seamus Rogan

Ceremonial tree planting in memoriam of Dr. Seamus Rogan

Dr. Seamus Rogan, Chief of Test Design and Analysis of DLI, passed away last year.  He had been the chief psychometrician in the DLIFLC Language Proficiency Assessment Directorate (LPAD) since 2010.  Rogan was also a U.S. military veteran. Psychometricians measure the...
Embracing familial heroes and enduring legacies

Embracing familial heroes and enduring legacies

The graduation ceremony for the Russian Chinese school at the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center Dec. 14 wasn’t just about academic achievements; it was also a poignant family story for one Airman. Airman 1st. Class Corey Case, the distinguished...