TRADOC senior enlisted leader visits DLIFLC

TRADOC senior enlisted leader visits DLIFLC

The U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command senior enlisted leader, Command Sgt. Maj. Raymond Harris, observed two Chinese Mandarin classes at the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center March 4, while engaged on a tour to visit TRADOC installations...
From the Khyber Pass to the Pacific Coast

From the Khyber Pass to the Pacific Coast

In the heart of the Khyber Valley, where the mountains stand as a silent witness to centuries of history, Lutfullah Fareedzai’s story began amidst the turmoil of war. “My birth, occurring under challenging circumstances, became a tale of survival,” Lutfullah recalled,...
Ceremonial tree planting in memoriam of Dr. Seamus Rogan

Ceremonial tree planting in memoriam of Dr. Seamus Rogan

Dr. Seamus Rogan, Chief of Test Design and Analysis of DLI, passed away last year.  He had been the chief psychometrician in the DLIFLC Language Proficiency Assessment Directorate (LPAD) since 2010.  Rogan was also a U.S. military veteran. Psychometricians measure the...