DLIFLC Chief of Staff Steve Collins (left) meets with Dr. Rogan’s sister, Patricia Rogan (center), who attended with her son, Theodore (not pictured).
Dr. Seamus Rogan, Chief of Test Design and Analysis of DLI, passed away last year. He had been the chief psychometrician in the DLIFLC Language Proficiency Assessment Directorate (LPAD) since 2010. Rogan was also a U.S. military veteran.
Psychometricians measure the validity, reliability, and fairness of exams, and are an integral part of the process of creating valid and reliable language tests. Therefore, it is without exaggeration to state that Rogan was instrumental in the development and implementation of the majority of DLIFLC Defense Language Proficiency 5 tests, the gold standard of foreign language testing throughout the world. He was a thoughtful and committed professional who made the most arcane and complex testing issues understandable by the layperson.
Rogan is remembered by colleagues as one of the most knowledgeable and supportive leaders at DLIFLC, with a great sense of humor. Despite his towering intellect and well-known expertise throughout the entire Department of Defense, he had a very down-to-earth personality and always encouraged others to strive for better. He was a genuinely warm and caring person, always ready to help. His kindness and easy smile helped to make the workplace positive and supportive. His easy disposition and pleasant smile will be greatly missed. A longtime Liverpool Football supporter, Rogan was never happier than when Liverpool won the Champions League Title in 2019.
In honor of Rogan, a tree was planted at the Presidio of Monterey with a beautiful iconic view of the bay. The Coastal Live Oak Tree will serve as a living memory of someone who not only contributed much to DLIFLC but also to the lives of all he touched in LPAD.