by duketate | Nov 28, 2018
by duketate | Nov 6, 2018
Visitors from the Brazilian Army Language School observe a Russian immersion class on the Presidio of Monterey. (Photo by Natela...
by duketate | Nov 6, 2018
Lt. Col. Sergio Avelar Tinoco and Capt. Carlos Henrique Souza Vilas Boas enjoy lunch with students and staff at Belas dinning facility at the Predidio of Monterey. (Photo by Natela...
by duketate | Nov 6, 2018
(L->R) Lt. Col. Kevin Bosch, director of the DLIFLC Foreign Area Officer Program, shakes the hand of Lt. Col. Sergio Avelar Tinoco, commander of the Brazilian Army Language Center, welcoming him and Capt. Carlos Henrique Souza Vilas Boas, head of the English...