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Basic language skill materials can be used for novice learners or those individuals who are getting ready to deploy or have been deployed. Military service members may complete the roughly 6-hour Rapport program to gain a pre-deployment certificate, while HeadStart2 provides about 100 hours of basic language training.

This product consists of two units:
Sound & Script and Military Tasks.
Sound & Script introduces basic sounds and phrases, while Military Tasks introduce important words and phrases related to military operations.
Each time that you complete a task module you receive a certificate of completion.
To aid you in the learning process, you have access to our cultural resources library and Language tools.

This product consists six to eight hours of language and culture pre-deployment training.
It is mandatory training for all civilian and military U.S. Army personnel deploying to Iraq or Afghanistan.
Rapport is available in Dari, Pashto, Iraqi, Swahili, Hausa, Portuguese, French, Modern Standard Arabic, and Korean.

Language Survival Kits
This product consists include text, audio recordings, and translations for up to 3,000 mission-related phrases.
Modules include: Air Crew, Basic Phrases, Civil Affairs, Cordon/Search, Force Protection, Medical, Military Police, Naval Commands, Public Affairs, and Weapons.
These language and cultural materials are intended for beginners and those who are preparing to deploy or have deployed. RAPPORT is the mandatory pre-deployment familiarization product that offers a certificate of completion for service members. It is available in Dari, Pashto, Iraqi, Swahili, Hausa, Portuguese, French, Modern Standard Arabic, and Korean.

This product consists six to eight hours of language and culture pre-deployment training.
It is mandatory training for all civilian and military U.S. Army personnel deploying to Iraq or Afghanistan.
Rapport is available in Dari, Pashto, Iraqi, Swahili, Hausa, Portuguese, French, Modern Standard Arabic, and Korean.

Language Survival Kits
This product consists include text, audio recordings, and translations for up to 3,000 mission-related phrases.
Modules include: Air Crew, Basic Phrases, Civil Affairs, Cordon/Search, Force Protection, Medical, Military Police, Naval Commands, Public Affairs, and Weapons.

Cultural Orientation
This product introduces a given cultural group, combining brief language exchanges with an objective and practical look at daily life in different contexts. Topics include religion, traditions, family life and differences in the lifestyles of urban and rural populations.

Countries in Perspective
This product begins with a Country Profile containing basic facts, followed by more detailed discussion of Geography, History, Economy, Society and Security.

This product consists of two units:
Sound & Script and Military Tasks.
Sound & Script introduces basic sounds and phrases, while Military Tasks introduce important words and phrases related to military operations.
Each time that you complete a task module you receive a certificate of completion.
To aid you in the learning process, you have access to our cultural resources library and Language tools.
Cultural and regional studies materials give learners important historical, geographic, socio-economic and cultural knowledge about specific countries. The topics offered include religion, traditions, family life and look at the differences in lifestyle of urban and rural populations.

Cultural Orientation
This product introduces a given cultural group, combining brief language exchanges with an objective and practical look at daily life in different contexts. Topics include religion, traditions, family life and differences in the lifestyles of urban and rural populations.

Countries in Perspective
This product begins with a Country Profile containing basic facts, followed by more detailed discussion of Geography, History, Economy, Society and Security.

Legends & Folktales
This product offers short animated pieces introducing famous myths, legends, and folktales from cultures across the globe to enhance cross-cultural literacy and provide insight into societies.
Advance skills language materials are geared toward individuals who already have a solid knowledge of a foreign language and need to brush up on their language skills or take practice lessons before exam time.

Global Language Online Support System
This product offers 1000s of lessons in dozens of languages for independent learners to improve their foreign language skills. Lessons are available for intermediate and advanced learners, with the ability to focus on specific topic areas, tailored for building listening or reading proficiency.
To aid you in the learning process, you have access to our cultural resources library and Language tools.

Accents Library
Available for Spanish and Arabic, the Accents Library offers collection of audio files read in both standard language, and in several regional accents to illustrate speech variations that occur in everyday speech.

Phone Conversations
Familiarity with regional dialects and realistic dialogues is key to achieving advanced listening proficiency.
Phone Conversations contains more than 300 casual phone conversations in non-standard dialects of Spanish and Arabic. Arabic materials also include lesson plans for classroom use.

Arabic Grammar Search
Have you forgotten a fine point of Arabic grammar?
The Arabic Grammar Search takes you inside the language with complete A-Z Search and Help functions.

Advanced North Korean Dialect Materials
This product offers a supplement for Korean language learning that can be incorporated into basic, intermediate, or advanced courses to provide students with cultural and regional information about North Korea.
Test your knowledge of a particular language or country by taking one of the assessment tools provided. You will find out just how much you know, while the ODA assessment test can even provide customized suggestions to help you reach your proficiency goals.

Cultural Awareness Assessment
This product gauges your familiarity with a particular society, including geographic facts, major religions, history, security situation, social customs, and basic survival phrases in the dominant language of the region.

Online Diagnostic Assessment
This product is a dynamic online platform to estimate language proficiency in reading or listening. ODA helps learners determine the subject areas and language specifics to improve, with customized suggestions for GLOSS lessons to help reach proficiency goals.